It is common for puppies to acquire parasites, and this is due to several reasons. Firstly, the puppy's parents may have parasites in their system, and these can be transmitted through the mother during pregnancy or through breastfeeding. Parasites in a healthy adult can be in lavary or egg form and are excreted in the feces; they only give symptoms if there is a decrease in defenses. That's why we deworm all of our adults once a year and also deworm the moms before pregnancy. It must be taken into account that neither Panacur, which is what we use, nor any antiparasitic agent covers all types of parasites and it is also important that when deworming we cause severe diarrhea, which in such small dogs is delicate.
The most common way for a puppy to acquire parasites is as part of their learning process, they tend to explore and sometimes consume feces from other animals, what we call coprophagy, which can lead to the acquisition of parasites, usually from their own. mother. Besides, our moms don't
They live locked up, they go out and interact with other dogs, they smell
poop, they socialize, that can cause them to come into the house because we clean their paws and disinfect them but that only works for viruses, the parasites go through their intestine.
The presence of parasites in puppies usually manifests itself when their immune system is weakened, which can occur due to a variety of factors, especially moving house,
stress, changes in environment, poor diet or any other situation that affects your general health. In these circumstances, the parasites that were present in your body can multiply and cause clinical symptoms.
It is important to note that deworming is a crucial step in puppy care. Deworming not only helps prevent the spread of parasites, but also allows the vaccine to work more effectively, since parasites can weaken the immune system and affect the response to vaccination.
However, it is important to note that generic deworming may not be effective against all types of parasites. Some parasites, such as coccidia and giardia, are resistant to almost all non-specific dewormers and require specific treatments. These parasites can survive and cause health problems even after correct generic deworming.
In our care protocol,
We deworm the puppies twice, but it is important to keep in mind that the dose of dewormer must be adjusted according to the weight of the puppy.
This is because an inappropriate dose can cause side effects, such as diarrhea. Therefore, the dose of dewormer is adjusted by weight and for a puppy weighing half a kilo it will be much lower than the dose for a puppy weighing five.
kilos, although both puppies may have the same type of parasite. This is key and is the reason that even deworming as the dose is so low you cannot kill the parasite. In fact, there are breeders who are advocating not deworming since you do not get a great effect and instead the diarrhea can be very intense, something that in such small dogs can be very problematic.
Due to these circumstances, it is more common to find parasites in small breeds, even after they have been dewormed. This does not mean that the puppy is being neglected, but rather that some parasites may be more difficult to eliminate or higher dose and may require specific treatments.
In summary, the presence of parasites in puppies can occur due to transmission from parents and consumption of feces during their learning process. Deworming is essential to prevent the spread of parasites and allow vaccines to be
effective. However, it is important to note that some parasites may be resistant to generic dewormers and may require specific treatments. Additionally, the dosage of dewormer should be adjusted according to the weight of the puppy to avoid side effects. Remember that deworming
Proper care and veterinary follow-up are essential to keep your puppy healthy and free of parasites. If you are unlucky enough that your dog has parasites, don't worry, it is something we deal with relatively frequently. Your veterinarian will guide you, but above all, understand that in such small dogs you have to balance very well the risk of being aggressive. deworming and the benefit of doing so.